Sunday, September 15, 2024

Son of Underrated Albums of the 90's

You would think after five of these posts, the well might be getting a little dry.....but no, not quite yet. I keep discovering some neat 90s albums all the time! 

To catch up with any new readers, this is my fifth post discussing some of my favorite underrated albums of the 90s. 

So, here are three more underrated albums from the 90s.

DGC Rarities Vol. 1 (1994)

Okay, okay, hear me out. I am NOT drunk on nostalgia. 

If you are a true cool kid from the 90s you will remember seeing copious amounts of this album in the bargain bin at used CD stores. You probably knew someone who owned this CD and it was often considered a throwaway album. It was a total troll move to put Nirvana's demo "Pay to Play" (it's a note-for-note demo version of "Stay Away" with different lyrics) on this collection.

In an objective sense, this is merely a compilation of throwaway songs and demos from artists who were signed to Geffen. There are some heavy hitters here (Nirvana, Beck, Weezer, Hole, Counting Crows) and some indie favorites (Sloan, Sonic Youth, Teenage Fanclub).

This album is not that great, it is uneven and has zero flow between songs. But if you are looking for an album to surprise you and warm the cackles of your cold dead heart, take a listen and imagine buying this album for ONE song like I did (Weezer's "Jamie") because there was no way to listen to this song without buying it. Wow, what a world it was. Today the album feels like a love letter to the mid-90s. 

You can't help but smile wistfully as the last track by The Sundays fades out. 

Standout Tracks: Teenage Fanclub - "Maddog 20/20",  Beck - "Bogusflow", Counting Crows - "Einstein on the Beach",  Posies - "Open Every Window"

The 6ths - Wasps' Nests (1995)

There are some albums that can instantly relax you and The 6ths' Wasps Nest is one of them.  I can even imagine falling asleep to this 60s pop-inspired journey after drinking a single beer. The album process was extremely unique as Stephin Merritt of the Magnetic Fields wrote and recorded the album but different vocalists sang lead on the songs (the best-known vocalist is Lou Barlow on "In the City in the Rain"). 

Most songs are dreamy, almost entrancing in their repetitive melodies (but, like, in a good way).  The themes cover the gambit but there's a soft, warm melancholy surrounding the songs and lyrics. I think this album would be perfect for rainy days or something to encourage you to stop thinking of your problems and listen to someone else's. Highly recommended. 

Standout Tracks - "Sand Deigo Zoo", "All Dressed Up in Drams" "Falling Out of Love (With You)", "Movies in my Head" and "In the City in the Rain". 

Satellite Lovers - Sons of 1973 (1996)

For decades this Japanese pop/jazz masterpiece just existed....and yet, for reasons yet revealed....(possibly Satan himself) it never gained traction. About 3 months ago someone uploaded it on YouTube and through the algorithm's blessing (may the algorithm be blessed, most high), the Satellite Lovers album, Sons of 1973 is now being reevaluated as a classic 90s album. Okay, that's an exaggeration but it has 2 million views and I think it's great....isn't that good enough?  

How did the world miss out on this band? I have heard some of their other albums but I have been focused on this gem and I will eventually get to the others (they are very diverse and don't sound like this album at all).  

It's easily one of my favorite albums I've listened to this year. So if you like cheesy pop music and catchy songwriting with a side of jazz, check it out! 

Standout Tracks - "Best Friend", "How Much I Love You", "Sunnyday, Holiday", " 空へ(S.L Meets HV!" - All of it, okay, just listen to all of it!!! 

I have at least a few more albums up my sleeve.....until then, stay cool, kids, it's almost fall. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Lists (Fragments of Lists)

I was recently perusing the old blog here and it really inspired me to try to write another easy post this month. In the past, I used to frequently create lists on the blog. So, why not?  

Current Favorite Fast Food Pizza (Top 4) 
1. Marco's (the new #1 is pretty darn good)
2. Papa John's (I actually don't like it that much)
3. Domino's (currently on strike from this chain, it's a LONG story).
4. Little Caesars (recovering from the trauma of years of hot and ready pizzas with the kids). 

All-Time Favorite Spurs Role Players 
1. Malik Rose (there was just something about the guy - all hustle, all heart)
2. Bois Diaw (one of the most unique players in NBA history)
3. Robert Horry (he's an asshole but I can't argue with the results)
4. Patty Mills (gotta love him)
5. Danny Green (will always remember Danny's penchant for chasing down blocks on layups)
6. Antonie Carr (the big dawg, awesome)
7. Frank Brickowski (just a tough son of a gun)

Current Favorite Diet Sodas
1. Diet Dr. Pepper
2. Diet Coke
3. Coke Zero
4. HEB Diet Cola
5. Diet Pepsi (I mean, if I have to) 

Favorite Roles I have played (as an adult) 
1. Jonathan/Charles Haversham - The Play That Goes Wrong
2. Professor Marvel/Wizard - The Wizard of Oz
3. Elisha Whitney, Anything Goes 
4. Phineous Trout, Willy Wonka 
5. Franz, The Sound of Music 
5. Doctor Spivey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 

Other countries I have visited for a "significant amount of time" in chronological order: 
1. Mexico (7 days)
2. China (22 days)
3. Ethiopia (13ish days, two trips)
4. Peru (13 days)
5. UK/Ireland (31 days, two trips) 

My dream trip locations I would like to visit (in no order and I could go on for days, to be honest)

1. Red Wood Forest National Park  
2. Pacific Coast of US/Canada 
3. Spain
4. Jordan (Petra)
5. Bosnia and Herzegovina
6. India
7. Vietnam 
8. Egypt
9. South Africa
10. Kenya
11. Peru (I would go back in a heartbeat)
12. Japan 
13. Anywhere in Europe 

Current Favorite Candy Bars (I am pretty sure I listed this before)
1. Almond Joy
2. PayDay 
3. Chocolate PayDay
4. Peanut M&M's 
5. Reese's I guess 

Marvel Comics I look for when at a comic shop/used book store
1. Any Spider-Man before 1991, especially with the black costume.
2. Fantastic Four 250-300 (I have MOST of these but I am on the lookout to complete the run)
3. Excalibur (1-75, I have most of them but looking to finish the run).  
4. Transformer (extremely unlikely to find but I would pick it up).
5. Micronauts (either run, they are awesome)
6. Dr. Strange (you just don't see many of these out there)
7. Any pre-1990 Marvel but I tend to avoid mutant titles unless it's X-Men. 

Ranking SW Droids 

1. BB-8 (most of those movies sucked but this droid was cute and the design was neat)
2. The little black thing that was probably a remote-controlled car with a black box thrown on top of it (I think it's in Empire) - cute and COOL. 
3. C-3P0 - he's funny and underrated. Great performance by the actor. 
4. IG-88 (in Mando) -  he's funny
5. The droid in that one movie that is about stealing the Death Star plan (it's boring) - he's funny.
6. R2-D2 is overrated and annoying but he has his moments 
7. The cool Empire droid that shoots at Luke and Han in Empire in the snow at the start (badass) 

My Favorite Lazy Stuff To-Do on Weekends 
1. Staying up late 
2. Sleeping in (no later than 9:30, I promise, and rarely after 8:30) 
3. Sneaking in a nap on a quiet Saturday or Sunday afternoon
4. Making breakfast tacos in the morning
5. Going to the store early on Saturday or Sunday to pick up just a few things and NO one is there, that's nice. 
6. Reading quietly in the morning before anyone else gets up,
7. Same time as reading, directing the reflection off my phone and letting the cat chase it around the living room. 
8. Making grilled cheese sandwiches for Sunday lunch (tradition)
9. Thinking about doing something and then not doing it

That's all I can do. That's all I can handle for now. 

Until next time, think about an old memory that makes ya smile. See ya.