Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Ghost of Ghost

It's been twenty years since one of my best friends died in car accident. I wrote about the night I found out here (holy cow - eight years ago).

Twenty freaking years.

It was a lifetime ago and now she's been gone longer than she was alive.

A few months ago I wrote a poem about a very specific memory I have. I would explain it, but I would rather it speak for itself. I don't think it's a very good poem, but it means something to me all the same. Give someone you love a hug today.

Ghost of a Ghost
No one else will know how close we came.
It was so long ago, like some half-forgotten dream, a ghost of a ghost.
I awoke to this memory and felt ashamed, for I hadn't thought of that night in so many years -
when I held you a little and you held me.
We were children then, brother/sister/lovers.
Reaching for something beyond and figuring out how to be.  
Suddenly, the barrier came between us.
Between two worlds  
Forever intertwined
Forever apart
And the only thing left is this lonely memory
That will one day fade away like a ghost of a ghost.