Sunday, May 26, 2024

Finally, Family Fragments

Here are some fragments on the past year: 

As an academic, I view my "years" as framed by the academic year. This framing comes despite teaching every summer,  full-time, every year I have been full-time. Having three kids reinforces this framing. 

Personal Fragments 

This year was crazy busy with my additional duties at work, I was released from some of my teaching load to help with the other stuff I do on campus, which was great. It was suggested (in a speculative fashion) I do this full-time....which sounds great, in theory, but giving up a tenured position doesn't sit well with me. Then again, another person at this meeting said, "We have trouble getting rid of bad employees! Don't worry about it too much"....Time will tell. 

I am also going on a workshop around the US South again and taking some students to Northern Ireland.  It should be a lot of fun. I might post some pics of Northern Ireland with some commentary but don't get too excited, I might not.   

This year I have really tried being more present every day. I am partially succeeding. Even a simple walk outside, a sip of coffee, and a laugh with my child feels better this way. I ain't Zen yet but I'm doing alright. 

I bought one of those little devices that has thousands of games on them.  Deleted some of the worst roms, added a few missing and added a ton of Mario hacks. Awesome move, do some research, get a good one and enjoy.Two Big Thumbs up. 

One day last week I turned in all my pennies and change (about 25 bucks) and blew it all at a pinball joint and some tacos. It was so fun to "play hooky" and just hang out playing pinball for an hour. Incredible. Also, two big thumbs up.

I loved playing Godzilla and Indiana Jones but I really loved playing Congo. What a terrible movie and a great pinball machine!! 

I have planned a Film Festival next week for the family, a few friends and C's BF. All are invited to the all-day event that will start at 7:30 AM and go non-stop until early the next morning (sometime after midnight). I think I will post about that experience the week after. 

I had a few beers with an old friend about a month ago. That was great. I love that guy. I actually drank quite a bit less this year, not that I had a problem, but it kinda lost its appeal (so did taking Delta 8 and 9, which I wasn't a big fan of and I am kinda done with THC products at this point). Most of my drinking is limited to having one at dinner at a restaurant or if I am offered one at a friend's house. 

This year was a year of transitions, my wife went back to full-time teaching, was kinda a disaster. Of course, she was great, she's a hard worker and a caring teacher but she was stressed and this school was not a good fit for her. It was the first time she was teaching students who were forced to be in a music class. She will be moving jobs to a different school but it is a dream environment working as a co-director with a friend (and she will make more money). Super excited about this move! 

I tried to read more this year but it didn't really work out (I blame YouTube). I read Arabian Nights, Kafka's The Trail (amazing),  The Motorcycle Diaries,  I am Legend, a book that reprinted a ton of old Spurs articles and of course, a slew of old comics. I am sure I read something else but that's all I can remember in this moment. I just started reading Wool and so far, I am impressed! 

Interruption of Personal Fragments for some Spurs Fragments: 

I never talked about winning the lottery last May on the blog. My son and I watched the lottery together and when the Hornets came up #2, I started whooping and screaming, it was unbelievable. E told me later she thought somehow the family had literally won the lottery.  The Spurs somehow did it again, I understand the Lakers, Celtics, Warriors and Bulls have more championships and blah, blah, blah,  but I have to think God likes the Spurs a little bit too.  Wemby did not disappoint. I had placed his floor at like 15-17 ppg, 7-8 rebounds, 2-3 blocks and I was glad he went above that,and in less than 30 minutes a game. Now, let's hope we strike gold again. I am so excited for the next chapter of the Spurs history.

Okay, back to Fam Fragments 

H started 6th grade this year and boy, he's embraced middle school life. He loves vintage shoes and fashion, wears too much cologne and holes up in his room more often than I like. He did well in choir but hates the director, so that's done (maybe). He's been playing soccer a lot but will be wanting to play football next year, which we reluctantly agreed to (and hope he quits after middle school). He continues to be smart, curious and always asking us questions that he could spend the night, start a business, buy more shit that he said he was going to save, "So, hear me out....." We are going to miss hearing his quick footsteps come down the stairs one day, in a rush to go play outside with the neighbors down the street. In the fall, H and I were walking around the block together when a man said, "Is this your son?" My heart kinda stopped but being that he is Black and I am white, this isn't a completely random question, even still my heart stopped. Had he done something when he was playing outside (on a Saturday when we barely see him in the house)?? "Yes" "I love seeing him and other kids play when I get home from work! I love seeing the lemonade stand, the bikes, etc. you just don't see enough kids outside playing these days". I breathed a sigh of relief. 

E started HS and excelled. She's been loving choir, and earning amazing awards in competitions as a freshman. She loves HS and choir and just earned two academic awards last night. Typically I take her to school in the mornings as she has an early choir that starts before school so her older sister can't take her. That means we have spent a lot of time together this year. Sometimes we're quiet and I'm listening to my music (usually to stop her from singing some musical in the car), sometimes we're chatty and friendly and occasionally we pick her friend Wade up to school. She's worked so hard on music this year and it's paying off. Sometimes she still rolls those eyes and can give a little attitude but she has a hear of gold with her homemade cards for teachers, friends and even her mom and I. Good memories for a great year for E.  

C was is graduating high school in a couple of weeks and I am full of pride, excitement, nostalgia, happiness, and a healthy dose of sadness. 

She had a great year, she quit marching band to focus on debate and her job but ended up quitting her job (got a new one but barely works more than once every other week) and downshifting her debate schedule to prioritize her very own advocacy non-profit....which is crazy amazing. She is following her heart and learning a lot of lessons. I have been able to help a bit here and there and she has a heart for justice. She also has a serious boyfriend as well. He's a great guy but it's too early to tell what will come of it, I am a little uneasy about the possible fallout of all this, as you start to think crazy things at this age and don't realize there should be no hurry to move in or get married. The world is different though, the rent is too damn high. 

Back in December, I found myself alone in the house one Saturday morning.  I was washing dishes, listening to music or maybe a podcast when I received a notification on my phone. It was my good friend Google Photos, and it told me it put together a slide show of my oldest, C. I decided to take a quick break from my kitchen duties and watched the slide show. By the time it ended, I was in tears, sobbing.

I guess what I am saying is no one said watching your kids grow up would be so hard. 

There's something tantalizingly hard to describe the experience....remembering your own senior year and the choices you made that lead to the creation of the adult version of you. There's a lot at stake in these next few years, she knows it and we know it. 

That's life in a nutshell. I love my life and I wouldn't trade it for anyone else's (although I do wish my salary was double what it is). Stay cool if you're in the heat and don't forget to water that plant outside! 

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