Sunday, July 24, 2022

45 Things I Experienced

Tomorrow I turn 45. 

Here's a list of some of the things I have experienced over that time. Not in chronological or any order at all! 

1. Joined the choir in my senior year in high school and loved it, it changed my life forever.

2. Created an imaginary band for MySpace, which had hundreds of followers. My tracks were post-modern sound collage nonsense. It lasted for about 2-3 years. 

3. I earned a score of over 300 K on Galaga after weeks of trying (arcade port, on one of those plug-and-plays).

4. I once caught a falling plate of huevos rancheros at a restaurant as a teenager. Spider-Man-like reflexes on that one.

5. Acted in a bunch of community plays in the last few years, including singing an entire song all by myself. Yeah, I'm proud of it. I have many fans, ya know. ;)

6. I accidentally mixed Benadryl with alcohol at our one and only keg party in college. My roommate left to hook up with his ex. A police officer arrived due to a noise complaint. I got a noise ticket, came back into the living room, and said, "We got a ticket" and fell on my face (I do not remember this exact moment).

7. I worked at K-Mart for two long years in high school and college. 

8. When I was 17, I stole a cardboard cut-out of Worf promoting a Star Trek movie from Jack in a Box and called the restaurant to tell them, "We have your Worf". 

9. I played basketball in the YMCA for 7 years, one time I got like twenty rebounds in one game but now that I think about it, the teams shot probably under 22% so there were a lot of rebounds to go around. 

10. Gregg Popovich grabbed some rebounds for me when I was a kid at a Spurs contest. 

11. I ran for Student Body President at Texas A&M as a protest candidate. It was so much fun.

12. I fell in love for the first time when I was 19. I was so happy to finally give and receive love. 

13. I watched two of my babies being born and met my other child for the first time as he slept so peacefully. What a trip. 

14. Sang all three of my babies to sleep, rocking them in my arms, placing them ever so gently down into their crib, and hoping they didn't wake. I treasure these moments in my heart. 

15. Played a million hours of video games and basketball with my best friend Eric, who accepted me for me and made other people love me too. 

16. Lost one of the most amazing people I have ever met when I was 21. 

17. Won a Dr. Pepper drinking contest. My friend Adam who lost the contest threw up in the parking lot on the way out. 

18. I transferred from UTSA to Texas A&M and it changed the course of my life forever. 

19. I finally learned to love to cook in my 40s during the pandemic.

20. I voted for Bob Dole in 96, then Ralph Nader in 2000, and I've been a "leftist" (for lack of a better term) ever since. 

21. I fell in love with my wife, started a new life and she's the greatest person I've ever met.

22. When I was 17, I created my own "show" with the family camcorder for all my buddies with my old toys. Made 10 episodes over two summers. We would have little episode premieres at Eric's house. Just hanging at Eric and Mikey's house in the summers was a home away from home for me.   

23. I earned my BA and MA, I learned so much and I still have so much more to learn. 

24. I created a huge fantasy world and told stories to my kids at bedtime for years, I drew huge maps and recorded stories with music and in various voices when I went out of town, including a fifteen-part story that took me weeks and weeks to record. 

25. My wife and I chaperoned a bunch of middle school kids to NYC and DC. It was great.

26. I lost two books in 7th grade. I saved all my lunch money for 6 weeks to pay for them because I was to scared to tell my parents. I ate off my friend's lunches or sneaked a sandwich from home. I had six bucks left over and went to the store after school and bought some baseball cards and grape soda.

27. I co-led a study abroad to Peru. One night after dinner at our hotel (which was an old monastery), we took our wine in the back, had a bonfire, and looked up at the Milky Way in awe and wonder. An incredible moment. 

28. My wife and I taught in China together for three weeks, we learned so much about each other and the world.

29. I have almost died twice (at least), I had skin cancer at 26 and flipped my truck six times when I was 23. 

30. My wife and I along with a bunch of other people sang the national anthem at a Spurs game. Yeah, I am not a real patriotic person but it was still pretty cool. I also performed a Chinese dance for a Chinese cultural association pre-game at a Spurs game too. At that same game, I briefly spoke with Craig Sager and saw Lebron up close. 

31. Went to various Spurs playoffs and one Finals game. Sports dreams do come true! I have also taken my kids to games, just like my dad took me when I was a kid (I went to David Robinson's first regular-season game).  One time, my dad scored us front-row tickets and the ball came right into my lap on one play!

32. I took more graduate classes and my capstone class was in Northern Ireland. I was in Northern Ireland/Ireland and the UK for three weeks. Beautiful locale to learn! 

33. I have painted and created art on and off for years, from birthday posters for the kids (and nephews) to random paintings just for me, it's part of who I am. 

34. I was a college radio DJ for two years. It was pretty sweet. 

35. I have seen almost all my favorite bands in concert, including my favorite concert that will never be topped....Weezer in Austin in 1996. 

36. We created a program at work to take students around the US in 2019 from scratch. No one had done that before. It was amazing and we made so many memories. 

37. I have made and had so many amazing friends. Played basketball and would talk for hours, egged a car of my friend's ex just for him in high school, drank and talked until the wee hours, danced at clubs and got tacos late at night, hosted Christmas parties, and talked forever with friends at work but got not work done! So many moments, large and small that I have shared with some amazing people. Thankful for all the past, present and future friends. 

38. Went to Ethiopia to meet our son. Amazing culture and country. I love being a dad!! 

39. Reading Carl Barks' Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge comics to my kids at bedtime, introducing my favorite songs and bands to my kids in the car, and sharing my love and passions with them is such a lovely thing. 

40. I don't want to dox myself so I will keep this vague. I was able to stand up to a local, powerful political figure and led an effort to change worked! One of the best and most important things I have done as a professional.

41. Attended protests and rallies with my kids but also on a less serious note, took them to Free Comic Book Day too! 

42. So many lovely memories with my wife, weekend getaways, driving in the hills of Ireland,  raising our kids, laughing, crying, being in shows together, singing in the car together, never being able to completely finish whistling Pachelbel's Canon together without laughing. 

43. We had a proper, legendary, and disastrous summer family vacation last year. Colorado, Moab, Grand Canyon, and back home. So many crazy things happened but definitely worth it. 

44. My kids are amazing, there are too many moments to mention but of late, teaching my oldest to drive, watching Sound of Music with the middle child, late into the night, and taking my son to the Pokémon card shop. 

45. My wife and I host an annual Christmas party and I love it. We only canceled when our son first came home and for the pandemic. I hope we never have to cancel another one, even though it's tough to do sometimes. 

I have so many more memories I could have shared. I am so grateful for all that I have received, accomplished, and experienced. I love my life, my family, and my friends so much.  I am halfway to 90 and with a lot of luck, I hope to think I can get there.  

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