Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Fresh Start Fragments

It's been a good while since I've caught up with my imaginary readers on this crazy thing called life, here's the latest.

Yeah, we finally moved and all went well. It still feels like someone took all our stuff and we live in someone else's house. It will take awhile to feel like home. I have driven back into the old neighborhood on accident a few times and reach for a string for the closest light that is no longer there.  Still, I like the new house. We got some space now and we ordered a foosball table. Oh yeah. That's a dream come true.

We were driving to dinner out one night and as we passed a sea food place, I was like, "Hey, how about sea food?" and H, our 7 year-old said, "Oh, I hate sea food, except fish, I love fish".

Here's some more kid updates:

C is in 8th grade and amazes me all the time with her humor and heart. She's so talented at playing flute and she's always working on a novel.

E is in 5th grade and getting too old. I love being weird with her, tonight I told her that when you meet someone with the same name as you, you exchange boogers and place their boogers in your nose. She didn't believe me. She's doing great in ballet and is in musical revue at the church theater this spring.

H had a hard time adjusting to the new house but is doing better now. He's loving our new neighborhood is full of boys and having fun playing outside. He's getting obsessed with football, but he knows he is not playing in middle school or high school. We're getting a Switch soon and I am very excited. 

I started binging The Twilight Zone on Hulu (yes, the originals from the 60's). So good and weird and sometimes cheesy. Maybe I'll post my top ten when I'm done. Don't hold your breath.

Lots of excited stuff going on at work but I can't really share it here as I would prefer to remain as anonymous as possible (ya know, just in case some creeper is looking for me, still pretty sure if someone was actually motivated, you could figure out who I am).

Finally, I just realized in April, I will enter my tenth year of blogging. That's nuts. I'll list my favorite posts and have a proper retrospective when the time comes.

That's all for now, kids. Don't forget to double-knot your shoes and drink plenty of water.

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