Saturday, November 30, 2013

Fragments of Thanks

Even today when I hear sirens, I hear the beginning of the Inspector Gadget theme song. I hope I never grow up.

Unseen Villains are the best. Also, what kind of wine does Claw drink anyhoo?
My guess: sparkling red wine that runs about 8 bucks retail.

Thanksgiving came and went. My mother-in-law asked everyone at the table what they were thankful for. I hate that kinda stuff although I am sure I will do it when I am a grandfather. I feel like I am thankful for most everything except broccoli, people blocking lanes when they are in the wrong lane and take it out on the rest of us, physical pain, roaches, cancer and death. That about sums it up right there. In case your wondering my answer was "Everything but physical pain".

My inner guru says this, "It is good to poop. It is better to poop at home." Meditate upon that for awhile. It's true in the literal and metaphorical sense.

You know what I want for Christmas more than anything? Just the time off. That's the best part.

I gave my oldest daughter some of my old "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. I thumbed through one of them and one of the endings has you end up at the "fat kid's camp". How 'bout those 1980's. Ruthless, I tell ya. 

This book scared the poo out of me as a kid. The premise is basic enough, you are stuck on a spaceship when a "Space Vampire" invades your ship - trapped with no where to go and no help coming.  Terrifying for a 10-year-old. I would stare at this picture, horrified and yet intrigued enough that I couldn't look away.  Sometime when I was reading the book I had the worst nightmare of my life - this very vampire pictured chasing me everywhere I went, including a disembodied head mocking me.  Just looking at it today is still a little creepy. I left this one up in the attic. In time, it's possible the children will be brave enough to face up to the Space Vampire, until then, it waits, biding its time ever so patiently.

Just finished HG Wells' The Time Machine. Not too shabby. Two thumbs up as it's like the first Sci-Fi novel ever, it's quaint but actually not too shabby. Gets pretty cool at the end.

Working on a big project for my two girls for Christmas. Should finish up my inks this week and can begin coloring it soon after. I hope to be finished with the project a little after finals is over with.

The Peru trip is looking more likely, we need 3 more apps to make it official this week, and I think we'll get there.

Starting working on a series watch of Star Trek: Voyager. After 6 episodes, I am happy enough to keep watching. I would rate one as "Excellent", 4 or so as "Good to Very Good" and 1-2 as "Eh, Ok, I see the ending coming from a mile away but it's Star Trek and it's not so bad".

My favorite breakfast tacos are: bean and cheese, potato and bacon and potato and egg and cheese.

I gotta run must clean up house with visitors coming over for lunch tomorrow. Until then, LIVE STRONG but don't take drugs or wear silly wrist bands.  Or lie. Or generally be a douche like Lance Armstrong.  So generally, just ignore that I typed that out.

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