Saturday, June 9, 2012

Frumpy Fragments

Awhile back I saw this bumper sticker driving home from work:  "The King James' Bible IS GOD'S WORD". I wondered if I should follow him and break it to him that the New Testament was written in Greek.

What is it with people naming their children after dead presidents? It's gotten so bad, we were at a children's fundraiser today and there was a boy named....get this... NIXON. I mean, the flat out, worst president of the last century. I just can't even fathom it. I mean, even if I liked the name, I wouldn't do it. To top it off (I know, what else can top that off??) - a child was named Cheney. So, we were at a party with a child named with the same last name as the worst president and easily the most villainous of vice presidents of all-time. Wow.

Here are names I have personally heard being used by new parents, some of which are from close friends or family.

Nixon (today)

Waiting just waiting for a child to be named Bush. I hope it comes true.

Thinking about presidents we are just too presidentally-centered. I am all for re-thinking US money (including offing the penny altogether). We need to display more social reformers, artists, inventors, scientists, athletes, judges, senators, astronauts and other heroes. We need to honor Native Americans and our scenic landscape more than just the same dead white guys and the same white statues and buildings that honor the same dead white guys.  There are creative ways of getting this done, I hope it happens at some point. I liked the Lewis & Clark stuff and 50 state quarter there is a little hope after all.

I was thinking tonight about what the percent of the population sing in their cars. I don't mean hum along or sing quietly - I mean, really belting out songs at the top of their lungs singing. I would be one of those people, although I get a little braver at night.

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