Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fragment Time

I feel like I need an art project soon. I have ideas, but they all suck.

I go through these reading stages where I can do prolonged reading of the most dense or boring material (or what others would call dense and boring) and then suddenly I have no desire to read anything above an 8th grade level (this is where comic books come in handy). I am going through the "comic book" period right now.

So I am in the middle of a Star Trek: Next Generation re-watch (or "watch" as I haven't seen most episodes) and I finally hit a rough patch - the start of season five. I have slowed down my rate and I fell asleep in the middle of an episode --three episodes in a row! Granted, I was on the bed and sleepy but still this hadn't happened but maybe once before. I usually fell asleep around the 15-25 minute mark and then would wake up with five minutes to go when the music got dramatic or something blew up. I am still counting the episodes. I was talking about it with someone later - and they nailed it - the color scheme and lighting (not too bright, hushed and pleasant colors) almost induces relaxation and sleepiness (with a little help from Picard's voice and the whooshing of the doors).

The damned Klingon shows always bore me. The are so predictable and are basically the same three characters every time. There's the back-stabbing Klingon (required one per Klingon episode), the older, more reliable Klingon (sometimes the character is the hidden "spy"), and then a bunch of no name tough guys. That's it. Damn, even Wharf bores me, it's always "Sir, I believe we should fire immediately". I understand he's head of security but still, predictable, annoyingly grim and predictable. Sidenote: spell check on Blogger has Klingon in the dictionary. Wow.

I like the fall. It makes the summer in South Texas almost worth it. Almost.

I also feel like I haven't written anything of substance in awhile. I have half finished blogs I should get to. It kinda bothers me. Almost.

The funny thing about teaching three classes in one day - I get a little loony the last time around. I am tired and at times-- I dread walking to that last class (at 3:30) to give the same discussion I have already had twice in the day. Then I get in there, open the door and the adrenaline kicks in and I am all ready to roll. Teaching is such a performance art. So, how about another list!

Things I like about Teaching College

You always get the last word.

You sometimes see light bulbs go off.

You get to be around inspiring young people.

Academic freedom

Making the class laugh

Asking hard, deep questions

Telling stories

Watching young people excited to live life on their own terms.

Trying to change people's minds

Drawing connections from an older class topic/reading/film

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