Monday, September 5, 2011

Late Night Fragments

I don't know why I am posting I have actual work to do - and it's late.

Is there a holiday more removed from its original intent than Labor Day? (if you celebrate too much or even mention its real reason you might be deemed a socialist, so be careful out there).

Why do restaurants still think its funny to place the "Alcoholic Drinking Can Be Harmful If Pregnant" warning on the backs of doors in men's rooms? Does this ever trick anyone anymore? I think this was probabley funny the first time someone did it. It's not anymore. We know the trick okay? It's just stupid now.

British English: I love the use of "brilliant" hate the pronunciation of "schedule".

Started a team in a fantasy football league. This could be trouble if I am actually good.

I have a student in my class who has had an Anne Coulter and Michelle Malkin book proudly displayed on the desk during different class days. I will do my best to turn him to the dark side. It's not impossible - I voted for Dole in 96 as a sophomore and for Nader as a fifth year senior. How's that for a change?

In case you were wondering, my favorite Beatles albums (in order, and subject to change)


White Album (sheer number of songs wins me over)

Sgt. Pepper's (just barely over Abbey)

Abbey Road

Rubber Soul

Let It Be

(All the early stuff sounds the same to me, so it goes down here)

(and no, I don't count Magical Mystery Tour as a proper album)


  1. Magical Mystery IS a proper FILM though. If you are not a Beatle fan you won't like it. If you are - it's gold.

  2. I am a proper Beatles fan who is embarrassed to say I haven't seen it. :/ Do I still get to keep my Beatles fan card?
