Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Last month I began a long journey of re watching the entire Star Trek: The Next Generation. As soon as it got on Netflix, I hatched the plan.

I remember watching the show with my mom on Saturday nights at 10:30 as a 11 year-old. I owe much of my Sci-Fi love to my mom, she made me watch the original Planet of the Apes as a 12 year-old (of course, the ending blew my mind. I can't wait to show that one to my daugther someday and watch her face).

I am currently at the tail end of season two and frankly, this has basically sucked my free time away from me. This happened two years ago when I re-watched Lost seasons 1-5 before the run-up to season 6. I will find myself watching just 10 minutes of an episode to get it done. I think I dreamed about it the other night. My wife hasn't verbally complained but I know she isn't thrilled with this little project of mine. I have to get through seven seasons - at the rate I am going I think I will finish sometime in October, barring you know, actual life getting in the way.

Like my favorite television show of all-time, Lost, STNG often wrestles with existential questions about life, death, reality, and time travel all in colorful backdrop.  At its best, it has solid acting (well, at least from Patrick Stewart) and asks big questions all with a dash of mystery and action.

At its worst it involves gaping plot holes with terrible special effects and often bad acting (why do I find myself rooting against William Riker?) Many times, even while exploring big questions, cheesy situations arise. Like a comic book, I just accept it - this isn't brilliant film, it is what it is. Sometimes the cheese is really, really good though.  Here are two of my favorite moments. They will astound you with their epic-ness.

This one is, well, gross, it's like a really bad horror movie scene from the 80's. It made me laugh out loud....seriously though, the creepy factor was very high and it was so campy it was actually a treat.

So I have stuff to do...(like you know, watching Star Trek).


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