Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Experiment in Living # 1: One Week as a Muslim

So I have decided to embark on a little experiment in living. In a few days or weeks (whenever I feel like I'm ready) I will live like a Muslim for one whole week.  I’m not converting to the Islamic faith – my entire experiment will be through the lens of Christian belief and practice (i.e., instead of reciting the first chapter from the Qur’an, I’ll be reciting a chapter from Psalms). My goal is to embrace what being a “Muslim” is – to submit to God. Here will be my basic rules:

*Practice Cleanliness traditions such as wudu (as this relates to prayer).

* Pray five times a day as prescribed in the Qur’an during the prescribed times (this can change daily but usually lands around the following times: 5:20ish, 6:30ish, 1:30ish, 5:10ish, 8:30ish and 9:50ish). This includes trying to find time to pray at work or whenever I may be.  Most prayer traditions will be followed.    

*I will not consume pork or alcohol (I’ll be doing a bit of cheating; as strictly speaking , Muslims should not eat any meat not killed properly by another Muslim)

*I will (or we will) try to dine at one of our "Persian" restaurants that week..(this one is just for fun more than anything).

So, between now and then, I will be selecting some prayer verses I will be reciting, memorizing them and studying the physical movements of prayer. 

Should have an update in about a week...or at least the night before I start this crazy experiment in living.

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