Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oh Hell...

The last five years I have become more and more interested in the concept of hell. After much reading, reflection, thought (and not enough prayer) I pretty much have come to the conclusion (about three years ago) that I don't believe in the traditional Christian understanding of "hell".  These are based on the biblical texts themselves as well as logic and my understanding of the nature of God. Eventually, I'll write a blog post on this.

The last few days I started reading the Qur'an again. I am on a quest to finish the entire book but I typically get off track after a few weeks every time. I am about 25% in it and I just started again. This time the concept of hell just kept jumping out at me. 

If you're into hell, you're gonna love the Qur'an. If you thought the Christian idea of hell was gory (the "lake of fire", gnashing of teeth, etc.) take a gander at this from wikipedia:

"The Quran and Sunnah offer detailed descriptions of the methods of torture in jahannam. The Quran states the punishments will be: the burning of skin, only to be replaced for reburning; garments of fire will be worn, and boiling water will scald the skin and internal organs;faces on fire;lips burnt off; backs on fire; roasting from side to side; faces dragged along fire; bound in yokes then dragged through boiling water and fire"

Had enough?

I've always found the medieval artistic depictions of hell to be not only insanely horrifying but detailed enough to keep 13-year old boys entertained for minutes on end.

I can vouch for having (so far) personally read 3/4 of those examples given. Another personal favorite is the use of gold to brand those who have hoarded gold (9:34-35).

Completely and utterly horrifying. Making matters worse is that God seems to take delight in the whole ordeal, "That is what you get! Taste that!" (8:14). I should also note that the God of the Qur'an has a habit of hardening hearts and getting in the way of free will all together.

I write all this in confusion of how anyone can swallow this concept and still love and respect God at all.  I don't write this to disrespect Islam. I believe most Muslims to be respectful, moral and good people. Many of the traditions and teachings of Islam are beautiful (granted there's also some not related to hell that I am also disturbed by).  Heck, last summer, I "lived" like a Muslim for a week (with admittedly mixed results).  Basically every Muslim I have ever met has been friendly and nice. That's not what I can say for all the Christians I know! I'm not letting Christianity off the hook either - this isn't about proving Christianity to be "better" than Islam (even if it's my belief system).

The concept of hell (as it's generally taught today) is a moral quandary that has to be addressed by all serious believers.

I write this knowing there are millions living in fear of this kind of God. Millions are closed off from religion because they believe that a God that allows an eternal hell doesn't deserve their worship or a relationship.  Any God torturing humans forever - can't be a God of love but only of judgement and violence. As for me, I stand hopeful that the Bible is right - God really is love (1 John 4:8) and as Paul says, "love never fails" (1 Cor 13:8).

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