Friday, December 4, 2020

How 2020 Didn't Suck (a personal and incomplete list)

2020 has been a terrible and tragic year. My condolences to anyone reading this that has lost a loved one due to COVID. My wife's grandmother was a victim this past summer. 

That said, 2020 could have been worse. One of my constant strivings is to have more gratitude in my life. So here are the ways 2020 didn't suck for me (somewhat in chronological order). 

We moved into our new home the first week of January. Hard to believe it's been almost one year. We had a ton of help from wonderful people. So glad we were here during the pandemic. We needed the room when all the kids were here for school. 

We went to an amazing Ben Folds concert in February. He played a great set, basically, what I thought a Ben Fold concert would be...he was funny and we had a blast.  It was a bit of an indulgence but he is one of the last performers I want to see before I die (still have Sloan to get to one of these days). 

We were able to take a family trip to New Orleans right before (or as) the pandemic was starting. In retrospect, if we knew then what we know now, we would have never gone. However, the world was different and it all felt so far away. Our trip included a visit to the Whitney Plantation. I whole-heartily recommended it to all Americans.  It is the only plantation in the US that focuses exclusively on the lives of slaves, it is ugly and sad but also beautiful. Check it out if you ever find ourself in NO, it's just a little ways out of town.  We also got to eat really good food and had fun exploring the city including getting caught in a rain storm one evening.  We had a lot of fun taking the trolley from our hotel to the city park and had a lovely time there (including riding a two-person bike that carried our whole family).  We were soooo lucky we were able to have a family trip before the pandemic. It was a family trip that we'll remember forever. 

It feels like a different world doesn't it? 

The pandemic hit and the first few weeks, we made the most of it. We had our own art show in the house, had a Chip Dinner, with pretzels, chips, nachos, etc. (this will become an annual event at our home) and had a fun game night with prizes. 

I also let my oldest daughter shave my legs for five bucks. Yeah, I charged her for that.  

We were outside a lot more. The natural world was my wife's refuge and she and my son bonded over fishing in a park about 40 minutes away. They went there nearly once every two weeks at some point. Closer to home, we explored our nearest park and discovered a back trail with a ton of wild blackberries (dubbing the path "Blackberry Way").  

I admit I do not know the name of this variety but they were delicious. We made several trips over late March-early April. Stuff just tastes better when you are finding it yourself! 

I watched some good television. My favorites included The Plot Against America and The Watchmen (which was outstanding). I started The Good Place and it's fine but I kinda got bored sometime in Season 2.  I'll finish it up soon (maybe). The Mandorlarion season 2 was just okay, too much fan service at the end though. 

Another photo from a Mother's Day outing. 

This photo comes from a nature walk June. This was a serene, lonely walk I was able to take as I snuck away from the fam for a few minutes. I could hear the echoes of people far away as I sat down to enjoy the view of the water. It was wonderful. 

I was able to write about Carl freaking Barks for a graduate course and I will be presenting that paper on a panel this summer at a conference (crossing fingers we can still go). I might post about this when it happens. 

I was also able to write about Confucius for my second class, which was great. It felt good to dive into something I know well and I learned a ton as well. I wrote about the relationship between Yan Hui and Confucius for those scoring at home. 

Overall, my wife planned many outings and I have to say she was definitely one of the better things of 2020. 

We went to the beach in June and later in July to celebrate my wife's birthday. Both times, I must admit, I had a great time. Usually, I am not a huge fan of the beach but these trips were special. We splurged a bit on the second trip at a stay at a very nice Airbnb (although we spilt the cost with my inlaws). 

At sunrise, me and the boy (age 8).

I did a lot more of the cooking the last 10 months, in part because I wanted to and in part, because my wife has more voice lessons in the late afternoon/early evening. I think the best thing I made was Chicken Parmesan. I did some other stuff that was good but just not as outstanding as this dish...shoulda taken some pics! 

Oh yeah, Trump lost. Think of it, the guy has lost the popular vote in two elections by a combined total of over 10 million votes. What a big, diarrhea-faced baby. I don't usually wish bad things to happen to people, its kinda of a personal value of mine, but I'm not rooting for this guy's health. Trump is a dangerous cancer to our society and I'm hoping the patient undergoes chemo and radiation soon. 

I played a bunch of retro games since the pandemic and I added some Genesis classics to my SNES classic. I finally beat  Rocket Knight Adventures. I had that game as a kid and it beat the crap out of me back then. Why were games so hard back then???  Of course, I beat it with save states, do you think I am insane and I have the time to dedicate my life to the game? 

I broke down and got the little Game&Watch: SMB this fall.  What can I say? I own the portable Oregon Trail and a mini-key chain Galaga. It's right up my alley. It was too expensive for what it is, but I had a blast with it and my kids and I are still fighting through SMB 2.  

I think the family has gotten closer in many ways (sometimes too close) but it's been a blessing to spend more time with the kids. I have a freshman in HS for goodness sake, she won't be here forever. I am a little sad she didn't get the full experience (she's in marching band which just wasn't the same) but also, it's cool to eat lunch with her or check in on her day randomly at 2:30. 

I have been starting to feel hope for next year and started planning (at least in my head and a few peeks on Google Maps) to the Grand Canyon, Colorado, etc. We'll see. 

It's been a tough year and I didn't list all the sad stuff or challenges we have faced. I hope you can also find gratitude for the good in your life this year, stranger. In the meantime, call your Mom this week and don't forget to do that thing you keep putting off. 

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