Monday, November 30, 2020

Catching up on Falling Behind Fragments

 It's almost December and I felt obligated to write a little ol' blog (I do it for the fans, of course).

A nice cold front finally hit us and it finally feels like the fall. The holiday season can be tough on my wife, and that's a toughie because I enjoy the holiday season.   I like the novelty of it all, it just feels different than the rest of the year. I think I have blogged something like that every year. 

I am in the middle of my last grad class for a good while, I am burnt out but I finished up a project at work and my last few weeks of this class will be when I am done with my teaching load, so that will be great! It's like burning the candle at both ends. I'm excited about the various projects I have in mind for the winter and spring. I will have free time again! 

Dreams do come true. Rivers Cuomo released his vault of demos. Thousands of demos were released a few weeks back. I am still processing this insanity. Sure, the vast majority are notes, scraps, chords, etc. but there are hundreds of songs and multiple versions of some songs. A treasure trove. I will have thoughts on this but I am still taking it all in. I will say the man has quite a work ethic, pushing up the stone up the hill, indeed. Some have seen this as the end of hard-core fandom, as we all love to speculate about demos....and yet, there's plenty left to wonder about and look forward to including....all the co-write demos (that were not shared), especially the early Pat co-writes,  band demos and rehearsals, a deluxe Green Album (unlikely but not any more unlikely than Rivers releasing his demos), any band archival released (special editions, concerts, etc.) and of course, new demos from the last five years and in the future. If you could have told me this would happen in 1998, I would have screamed like a little girl. 

Oh yeah, the last time I wrote the US presidential election hung in the balance. As expected, Trump will wreck or democracy and institutions like a big baby on his way out the door. He is like a baby, in that he can only think of his own benefit and only in ht short term. Even his own judges can see through this nonsense. Utter incompetence and stupidity that is defended by most of the GOP. Now we have over 70% of the GOP that believes corruption helped Biden win (with no evidence)! Surely he has laid a template for a more skilled fascist in a few years. It is terrifying we elected this cruel, narcissistic fool and it is even more terrifying that we have a cult of personality surrounding this walking trashcan. 

I started writing a blog series that ranks the Spurs five championships and.....of course, I fell down the rabbit hole of information, stats, videos, etc. It was hard to boil down an entire season into two paragraphs. I have a whole mathematical formula that helped me understand why I ordered the championships the way I did. I just couldn't stop writing, so it turns out each championship will get its own blog post. I must admit, this raises the possibility of me never finishing the series....but I just couldn't do each year justice with only a paragraph. # 5 on the list is 2007 and I am about halfway done with that. My goal is to have that one done by 2021 and the series done by May of 2021. #optimistic 

Is there really light at the end of the tunnel with vaccines being developed? It feels like normalcy is on the horizon and yet, with the holidays there are dark days ahead. What a time to be alive, make sure you stay that way and stay safe folks! 

Take a deep breath, hold on to your dreams and put a few extra masks in your car so you don't forget to take one with you on your travels! 

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