Friday, April 13, 2018

C's Donald Trump Poem

My 12 year-old had an assignment to write a poem about someone or something that upset them. She wrote about Trump. I love this kid!!

One day it may be lost in the sands of time, so I am going to preserve it here! It had to start with"this is just to say"....

This is just to say

This is just to say….
I’m worried about your mental health
You act like a child when you're in your 70’s,
You made fun of a disabled man,
You are rude and racist,
You have very bad grammar,
You even married a woman in her 20’s even though you are 71!
You dyed your hair thinking it would do you better, but it did the very opposite,
Why oh why?
You make me think if I’ll ever live past my 20’s.
Trump, Trump, brainless Trump….
Why do you even try?
You know you only won because of the Russians…
So you can back off!
And one more question,
Why are you so orange

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