Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sick Fragments and a Happy New Year!!!

2014 was off with a bang I spent the night violently vomiting and having diarrhea.

Not so good, Al, not so good.
Because you are dying to know, here is the list of the most sick I have ever been:

1. 2004 - China - too disgusting for words, painful, seemingly never-ending and I cried while on the toilet, "I just want to go home."
2. 2002 - San Antonio - All thanks to a McDonald's near Baton Rouge earlier that morning. Painful food poisoning.  Laid on bathroom floor pondering how death could be a good thing if this continued indefinitely. Thankful I didn't get sick until I was home.
3. 2013 - Last night.
4. 1992(?) - San Antonio - explosive diarrhea at the mall,  as I was buying the a Sega Genesis (repeated later after a uncomfortable trip home).


Well, I have decided that I am going to take a shot at being an children's book author after all. Tentatively, I will begin my work in earnest after the Study Abroad this summer. It will most likely result in failure, but now that I have accepted that fact, I'm okay with it. The goal is the book, not success. Reminds me of this moment:

What a great line and movie. One of my childhood favorites. In the early 90's you could always just flip around the channels on Saturday afternoon and find either The Last Starfighter, Enemy Mine, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off or Roadhouse on TV. Either that or a Matlock re-run.

I was happy to note I surpassed my blog totals from last year, ever so slightly. Sadly, it made me feel like I accomplished something.  I don't know how people blog often. I have lots of opinions but it's exhausting just to come up with ideas.

Keeping busy with the holidays, our annual X-Mas party, being sick. This FridayI have a date out with the Mrs. with two kiddo's spending the night at grandparent's (little one's not ready - or is it us?). Should be fun.  Also,  I am totally sucked into watching Star Trek: Voyager -- almost done with the second season. Not saying it's better than TNG but comparing the first two seasons, Voyager is more consistent in terms of quality. That first TNG season is a slog and has some duds.

 I dunno maybe it's my stomach bug talking and I'm crazy. 

Does this need a caption other than AWE INSPIRING?

In other news, I am taking a break from facebook. I read someone's stupid post about a diet or about how we have food allergies because, in the past, ."..people TRUSTED THEIR BODIES to heal on its own more than we did." No, they didn't. They couldn't afford to see a doctor or they had no medicine to treat their aliment. Idiocy. Last year I took a month break, I think I am due for one now.

Sometime last year, via my wife from my friend's wife, I found out my friend does not vaccinate his children. It took everything in my power not to say something to him about it. I knew it would be like talking to a conspiracy theorist - there would never been enough evidence to convince him otherwise. If you're in that boat - knowing you can never change your mind then you're brainwashed or you're dangerously arrogant.

We were at the mall the other day and I saw a sign for "Two Shirts for $139.00". I had one of those moments where I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone or a visitor from another planet trying to understand an alien culture. What is wrong with the world?

That's it, kiddos.

To all of my 1.5 readers (no, not counting myself) - have a safe, happy and silly new year!!!

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