Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday Night Special: that dog

that dog seems like a band that should have been huge in the 90's.  Cute girls who played catchy power pop (yes, I know the drummer is a dude, but you know, he's the drummer).  This shouldn't have been complicated.

Maybe the band should have had a better name than "that dog" (not capitalized, of course). The name just sucks. It's so unfair or not, intriguing band names make it easier to send you over the top (I always thought Green Day had the right sound at the right time - it's another terrible name).

Maybe if the band wasn't so sunny, so cute, or if the girls didn't brush their hair so nice (think Sleater-Kinney).

People had already turned on Weezer by 1997 so maybe there was little patience for a female version of the same.

Maybe if they were over-the-top-lipstick lesbians they could have been sold to the public better. Or maybe their possible "big break" album Retreat from the Sun was a little too clean and was clearly a year or two too late as the industry was shifting to ska bands and (pardon the French) the shitty second wave of nu-grunge (Creed, Bush, Our Lady Peace, etc.)

Whatever it was, that dog should have been huge (or at least an indie-darling) but they weren't. Here's the lead single from Retreat from the Sun, "Never Say Never".


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