Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lost Fragments in Time

Look, I've been enjoying the summer. Yes, posts are coming soon. Yes, I am pretending someone out there cares.

Fragments for those scoring at home:

Our oldest will be shipped off to kindergarten this year and I have mixed feelings. Someone asked me if my wife would cry on the first day, I told them I would be crying as well. Things I will miss that will soon be going away are mispronounced words (most of which is for food for some reason: "Tater Tots" (for Sweet tarts),  "Gorilla Bar" (granola bar), "Strange Cheese" (string cheese) or "Stunk" (for skunk). So cute.

Pondering doing good in system that is morally corrupt - am I helping the system by helping it stay afloat?

Saw a Confederate flag flying  (yes, a big ass flag in the back of at truck, you couldn't get more tacky)...out of my neighbor's daughter's boyfriend's truck (whew)....I always hated that but now with our family becoming transracial - I hate it even more. It's insulting.

Gearing up for the fall and getting really excited.

Maybe my love affair with religion and comic books stems from my fascination with magic. I honestly believe most good things in life on this planet happen because we're all trying to transcend the everyday hum-drum existence or at least transcend death.

Lately my head has been swimming with the thoughts of God's existence or non-existence, I suppose reading The Rebel will do that to you - I keep coming back to my ideas about why I think God does exist and frankly, they aren't that good, which is why I fall back on Kierkegaard's ideas so heavily.

Making a mix CD for a friend for the first time in YEARS. It's fun. Debating wheather the first track should be the theme song of Perfect Strangers or "The Book I Write" by Spoon.

Now that I am thinking about it....enjoy!

Update: Perfect Strangers did indeed open the CD - how could I have ever considered something else?

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