Monday, March 28, 2011

Fragmentory Fragments

Today's Fragments

Re-reading Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankel. It's amazing. Everyone should own this and read it.

When I first got this book I read it over a weekend. Just couldn't stop. It's one of the few books I can really say that about. Well, it's not very long, so it's not much of an accomplishment on my part.

Why do I seem to be getting more visitors each month? I am starting to doubt my tracker - I think it just randomly creates locations from around the world. Nepal? The middle of France? Is it just because I have more posts which means a post is more likely to be found in some random search? Are they bots looking to spread spam?  I am puzzled.

Teaching on Hinduism, I end up telling a quick synopsis of Job (yeah, kinda ironic). Is it not just really disconcerting that God starts the whole thing up on a DARE from Satan? I mean, even the end, he tells Job, "You're not going to know why all this happened- I'm God and you're just a human". As a reader, I'm thinking, okay that crazy shit that happened earlier in life - it better not be because of a dare from Satan. I want like a Lost-ian explanation of how it all fit into the larger picture of the universe.

Great movies I have seen the past few weeks: Slumdog Millionaire, The Sting, 500 Days of Summer.

The New York Times is going with digital subscription fee. I hate to say it but the genie's out of the bottle already...and if you're going to try to put the genie back in the bottle it's gotta to be cheaper than 35 bucks!

Sometimes you feel like a cog in the machine. Today was one of those days. (blah)

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