Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Deafening Silence

So I went to the bathroom at work, stepped inside a stall and what do I find, written sideways on the wall?

"Deafening Silence"
My mind instantly ran through connections and possible meanings.

After all, this bathroom is situated in the hallway where our Philosophy classes take place. Maybe it's an existential statement of being. We find ourselves alone in a cold, god-less universe - where no one can hear our prayers. Maybe it's a comment on the apathy of today's college students. They are all too busy to take their ear buds out and care about politics or the environment.

Nah, I've come to the conclusion it's probably just another terrible name for some awful speed metal band that seem to spawn in terrific numbers here in San Antonio. By the way, I saw a bumper sticker for a band named "Upon a Burning Body" in the parking lot yesterday and I just started laughing.

Other Fragments:

Recently, all my jeans got holes in them except one pair. This means I am going to have to visit our Goodwill soon - the last time it took me an hour to find a pair that would fit. It's not something that's fun but seems to be the most moral option of them all.

Recently I opened up baseball card packs that were twenty years old. I tried the gum in one of the packs. It was bad idea --- but I did get a KEN GRIFFEY JR ROOKIE CARD (now worth all of a quarter).

Currently reading a synopsis of all four gospels (it's all paralleled for you on the same page) and just about finishing up. I tried to be open minded towards John...but it's just not my bag, baby.

Two events happened yesterday (one professionally, one personally) that made me recognize I am not in control of my own life and sometimes, well, life sucks. That evening I dreamed I was trapped on an elevator that started spinning sideways, stopped and then started flipping upside-down. I was walking like a hamster in one of those wheels so I wouldn't fall down. So my subconscious did pick up on that stress after all.

Yeah, it kinda was an out of control Wonkavator but not as cool.

That is all - may the force be with ya'll.

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