Friday, December 3, 2010

Things I Discovered in College (1995-2000)

It's been awhile since I had a list, so, well, here's a list of things I discovered in college. It was the 90's and I had a blast finding out who I was.

Woody Allen
Art History
Liberal Politics
The Internet (remember it was 1995)
Self confidence
Matlock (seriously)
Not to play your music too loud when having a party
Serious Poetry (even if it was bad, I was serious about it)
the Beatles
Beer tastes pretty much the same after eight beers
Mistrust of authority
My first love (yes, a person if you are wondering)
Thai and Chinese food
Totino's frozen pizzas gets progressively worse with each pizza bought
Women were more confusing than I had imagined
Personal and profound loss
Learning could be challenging and fun
That I was okay with who I was


  1. Interesting list. I was in college the same time ('95-'99) and I think several of those would appear on mine as well. The one that stood out was the Beatles. They had always been in my consciousness, but I think I got into them because of the Anthology release which led to me spending my Thanksgiving break re-listening to my mother's records. I've long wondered if I was the only person of my generation (or college contemporaries) to experience a similar revelation.

    Of course, even though I got into the Beatles my freshman year, Pinkerton changed everything the next September.

  2. Yeah, I was really out of the loop - I knew who the Beatles were but couldn't name more than "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" kinda stuff. One of my friends gave me "The Blue Album" greatest hits double cd (circa 97) and I was blown away like nothing before or since. Thanks for the comment.
