Monday, May 28, 2018

Slip Slidin' Fragments

Another spring semester is in the books. Here's a bunch of fragments on stuff.

Earlier this semester I noticed how many people back into parking spaces. I am officially perplexed by this behavior, especially when someone is directly in back of you, and it holds up traffic. Is it really that important to get out that quickly? I dunno, maybe there is less of a chance of running over someone, but I am doubtful that's going through anyone's mind. Just pull in and get out of my way.

So I went to the the Breeders concert last month, and by a confluence of events (co-workers invited me and I was feeling FOMO) I ended up at an Everclear/Local H/Marcy's Playground concert. Did it reek of desperation? Maybe a little. At the Breeders there was a sense of coolness and there were actually young people there. This....not so much. At once I felt old and young at same time. Like there are people 3-5 years older than me but looked 10 years older than me. I had the same feeling at my 6th grader's band swim party, most of the parents looked like what adults looked like when I was kid. I felt awkward although I'll get there soon enough .

Anyway, back to the concert. Each band brought something to the stage and Marcy's Playground surprisingly did not there's that. Also, Art sounded like he might die on stage. I was put off with his emphasis on later releases (Songs from an American Movie or whatever) but whatever, I am sure he is bored of "Heartspark Dollar sign" (I was sad that wasn't played).  So, after years of not going to a concert, I will be going to three concerts in the last three months (Weezer/Pixies is at the end of next month). How about that? 

Free Comic Book Day came and went and and the kids and I have an annual tradition of going. It's so fun and it's our little holiday. First, donuts in the morning, followed by getting in line at our local shop (which allows one copy of as many of the comics as you like), followed by the used book store (that usually has at least one free comic), followed by Cane's and the pet store. I love it (and so does K, as it gives her a break and quiet house for the whole morning and a chunk of the afternoon).

It's hot in SA already. I hate the summer, it makes me want to curse for no good reason.  It's too damn hot this early. Oddly enough this spring had been extremely mild until now.

So, the kids and I will be in a local church production of The Wizard of Oz. Look, it's kinda a big deal (okay, I am kidding but kinda not  as they put on a good show). E was in Annie in the winter, and, I gotta say the production and talent was pretty impressive. I had been fooling around with the kids, doing a the Wizard's voice, which led to them pleading with me to audition for the Wizard. So, I relented and well...what can I say? I was pretty good and they cast me as the Wizard (and of course Professor Marvel). We start rehearsing next Saturday and performances start in late July.

I am so sick of Slime. Slime videos, making slime, the kids playing with slime, talking about slime, taking out the slime during dinner, sneaking slime back to their rooms, more YOUTUBE slime videos. SLIME SLIME SLIME. SLIME. I hate it. Also, SLIME.

Thinking of some art projects I can take on this summer but not sure if I want to concentrate on painting or writing. Also, there's our "Study Stateside" project to work on as well that has already eaten many hours of my, we'll see. Well, and Oz will be eating my free time as well. So, maybe not so much.The tortured life of an artist at heart.

Hey, I gotta go, so stop reading about Trump and worrying and start acting. Also, don't forget to water the grass, it's hot out there.

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