Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Frothy Fragments

So, it's two steps forward, three steps back with this blog.

Here are you updates because the BLOG GODS demanded it.

You could say I was lazy and that would be half right but the real reason I haven't been writing that much is because of the Spurs playoff run. I was supposed to write about it (making this great connection about the death of my youth and the Spurs probable last title run) but it was all so exhausting emotionally and physically (because the games were so late). It didn't help the little guy has seemed to be teething for the past 75 nights either. On nights without games I was drained.

It also doesn't help I have been busier than I have ever been in a summer. 5 classes crammed in 3 months.  3 classes going on right now, kinda crazy. One is a history class so I have to prep. That sucks too.

Did I mention it sucked that the Spurs lost? Yeah, that sucked.

Finished my summer abroad application in May then I forgot I had to do a spring assessment for my discipline so then I had to rush to work on that. My head has been here, there and everywhere and I know I am rushing headlong into the fall with a new course to teach (World Cultures) and it's likely I will be close to total burnout in August. OHS WELLS. Lots of  ALL CAPS this blog post, so sorry genteel readers.

In good news my daughter penned a letter to the president asking him to stop the the use of drone bombings. So proud of her. She had seen the cover of my Sojourners magazine for this month and asked some questions about it.

So, she asked if she could write a letter to President Obama and I said yes. It wasn't my idea at all but I did help her craft the letter a little.  I am sure we will soon be on the TERROR WATCH LIST. Especially combined with the fact one of our children has an Arabic name and I am one of those infamous LIBRUL professors. Cheers, Uncle Sam! 

Here's the letter she wrote. So proud of my little C! 

Other good news: My wife and I celebrated our 10th anniversary this month. So crazy. We had a good little time -- she is the best. She proves the cliche, she is my "better half".

Did I mention the Spurs losing sucked? Oh, game six was like a punch in the face, not punch to the gut, .04 in 2004 was a punch in the gut (injustice), this was more like a punch to the face. Well, actually maybe it was more like an involuntary punch to the face from your own fist as we handed them the game and thus, the series and thus the championship.  I still have flashbacks in the middle of the night when I am holding the baby late at night or randomly in the car on my way to work. After the game I have been in total sports media blackout (not that hard as we don't have cable and there is nothing going on the sports world I care about anyhoo). 

Totally on a Sirrachha Sauce kick. So good on just everything, soups, chili, pizza, grilled cheese sandwiches, nachos, spaghetti, and mac and cheese.  Anything we have ketchup with I mix it in that STUFF. 

Having watched so much of the NBA playoffs I noticed so many summer movie commercials. All of them looked dreadfully awful and stupid. Who is going to these movies?  How many 14 year-olds are there that can make a blockbuster so easily? Am I becoming old and so removed from my culture that I can't relate to the masses?  Also, we're obsessed with Zombies and the end of the world. So weird. 

Gotta go. My Evening Plans: 

Make me some nachos with Sirrachha sauce, watch an Adventure Time episode and start grading my online class. I don't want to grade. 

Did I mention the Spurs losing in the NBA Finals really sucked?

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