Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fragments Here, There and Everywhere

Talking about Buddhism in class today, I was discussing "healthy" attachments and "unhealthy" attachments, which led me to a discussion on stalkers. I fell into my odd habit of taking the voice of point of view I am talking about, (in this case "I know she loves me, if only she can understand how much I love her", etc.)  this led my students to laugh and made me remark that I might be performing my bit "a little too convincingly". I did note I thought every guy in the class had at least driven by someone's house after a breakup at least once. I said anyone who hasn't just "isn't romantic" - which someone said that that might be considered creepy, of which I replied the line between creepy and romantic is a very thin one.

Days like today remind me why I love teaching. I felt "on" like I haven't in a long time.

Thinking about why God created humans and thinking about why I had children...are there similarities?

Quickly read through two books the past week - The Crescent Through the Eyes of the Cross and the graphic novel, Persepolis. The first not too shabby - and in the context of evangelist Christian books - it's amazing. The author is a Arab Christian and he treats Islam with respect and dignity (that it deserves)  while also having a distinct Christian point of view. Wasn't sure if I was going to learn something about Islam but I did.

Persepolis was great - couldn't put it down - I will have to check out part two soon. I was interested in assigning this in my Intro to Humanities class or a Eastern Cultures class but I don't think it has enough on Iran or on Islam in the book...but highly recommended for graphic novel folks.

Hunger Banquet tomorrow...need my beauty rest. G'night to all.

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