Friday, July 12, 2019

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

Oh, I know this is lame.

So what?

These are a few of my favorite things off the top of my head.

1. Driving with the windows down on a summer night listening to  rock n' roll
2. Finding a fry at the bottom of the bag
3. Pizza
4. Air-Drumming along with a song
5. Reading old comics cozily in bed before I go to sleep
6. Remembering a dream from the night before that I had forgotten about until that moment
7. Cold mornings with hot coffee
8. Laughing at my own jokes that no one else will
9. Drawing a little doodle or comic at work that I deem good enough to file away in a special folder for good doodles/comics
10. Washing dishes late at night listening to music
11. Comfy t-shirts and jeans (that's kinda my look)
12. Walking outside with mindfulness of my ability to walk and be alive
13. Looking at the stars in wonder and awe
14. Finding a good shade spot on a hot day in a crowded parking lot
15. Making my class laugh or really finding another way to impact the room
16. A good conversation with a good friend (more rare than you might think)
17. Writing a good poem/blog/something and feeling good about it
18. Ad libbing without planning while acting and sharing a moment with the other actor
19. Painting when I get a chance
20. Carl Barks comics, always and forever
21. Discovering a new album/band/music on YouTube
22. Trying new restaurants with my wife
23. Trying a new beer
24. A beautiful spring day, not too cool, not too warm
25. Going to the bookstore, aimlessly browsing and hoping to find something surprising
26. Drawing mustaches on photos/advertisements/whatever and waiting for my wife to discover it
27. Doing something random, hoping someone will notice later and wonder "why?"
28. Reading to my kids, telling stories to my kids
29. Talking nonsense with kids, just being silly with them any chance I can get
30. Taking each of the kids on "dates", alone time is so great
31. Free Comic Book Day with kids, one of my favorite holidays of the year
32. Rewarding myself with breakfast tacos before I do something I really don't want to do

Must be a jerk, I didn't think of my kids until #28...but my excuse is, I was thinking of "things".

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