Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Late Night Fragments

It's been awhile and it's late at night...so here's some fragments.

No, if you were hopeful these would be fragments about the NBC show "Late Night" you will be dissapointed....but since you're here.

Late Night Host Rankings

1. Conan
1a. Dave
2. Seth

Speaking of which, I do recommend Conan's new podcast. Great for listening while doing yard work.

I took my son to see Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse in December and was blown away. I loved it. It might be my favorite super-hero movie ever. One of the few movies I have ever seen and been visually stunned at how it looks. I suppose I haven't felt that way since Lord of the Rings: Two Towers with Gollum's animation (and before that the OG Jurassic Park). Spider-Verse just captures what comic book would look like brought to life. Also, the script, the characters, etc. loved all of it.

My Favorite Comic Book Movies

1. Spider-Man 2
2. Spider-Verse (may move up, I need to see SM 2 again to really know)
3. Ant-Man (probably too high, but it's cute and made me laugh)
4. Spider-Man 1
5. Captain America 1 (really liked this more than most people)
6. Iron Man 1
7. Guardians of Galaxy (1 & 2 ...why not)?

(I like Spider-Man, in case ya didn't notice)

Also, I have seen a ton of the Marvel movies with some major exceptions...like I think I have only seen the first Avengers movie and I missed Black Panther but whatever. I am super-heroed out. That's why Spider-Verse knocked me off my feet. Marvel movies are fine, they are good but it's like pizza. By itself, once a week, it's amazing....but if you have it every day during the week....it gets a little old.

And since I am on a list-rage...

Pizza Chain Ranking

1. Pizza Hut
2. Papa Murphy 

3. Little Caesar's
4. Domino's 
4. Papa John

I dunno, I don't feel that strongly about any of that...except we have Little Caesar's every Friday and man, some Fridays that makes me sad.

The kids and I just finished up our eight-show run of Willy Wonka a few weeks back. Fragments are forthcoming....but it went great and it was a lot of fun.  There were few nights during our two week run that I woke up at 2 or 3 AM in a nervous half-dream and thought I had forgotten to get on stage. I actually got out of bed and was ready to leave...very bizarre.

The other night I had a strange dream featuring going to the bathroom that was built in a "bounce house" with my son. When we came out Tom Hanks was there and we took a walk with him as he bounced my son's basketball. He ended up accidentally dropping it down a ravine and was like, "don't worry, I'm very wealthy".

I recently had a couple of weird things happen between myself and a friend at work. I can't get into all the details (it's not dramatic) but my friendship isn't the same anymore and I'm not sure it ever will be. Makes me sad but I remain hopeful. We are currently on "ok" terms (I think).  

Work has also be exhausting, I still feel like I am recovering from Wonka and my crazy programming coordination, which has moved up a level this semester with no pay! A little stressed, but what can I do?  I am getting ready to go travel with students around the country and that does make me excited...I am hoping this summer will rejuvenate me and my friendship with my colleague as well.

Spurs made the playoffs again. Yay. Now that the big three were dismantled and they are a non-contender, I thought I would lose interest....but nope...I found them just as interesting as before! I thought I would have more time to read about important things. Oh well, that's sports for ya. I think they have a great shot to beat the Nuggets....but hey, if they don't, oh well.

It's way too late and I gotta go.

Life can be pretty tough sometimes but I am thankful for the life I have. Don't take anything for granted because some days, even having Little Caesar's is pretty good.

Don't forget to take out the trash and early vote.

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