Monday, July 24, 2017

10 Things That Haven't Changed About Me

Birthdays give us a chance to reflect on how much we have changed and grown but when you get down to it, there's a lot about myself that hasn't changed. If my past self met my current self (and the universe didn't implode) then those two guys would have a lot in common and could go out for pizza

I'm trying to get back in the swing of blogging and it's been awhile, so here's another list of useless information.

Here are 10 Things that Haven't Changed About Me:

1. I still have a weird sense of humor (think MST 3000 & "Tim & Eric")

2. I still drink too much soda and tea (and now coffee too)

3. I still always try to remember my dreams first thing in the morning.

4. I still day dream about how different life could be (the good, the bad and the nightmares).

5. I still sing out loud around the house, make up songs, whistle, hum, play air guitar or drum on my legs or the on the counter/ table all the time. Yes, I am still married, I don't know how I haven't driven her mad with my singing.

6. I still love peanut butter way too much.

7. I still love comic books, weezer and the Spurs.

8. I still surprise myself when I look in the mirror and remember just how white I am.

9. I still get the Inspector Gadget theme song in my head.

10. I still stay up too late, usually not accomplishing much of anything.


11. I still write on the blog and have an obscene amount of grammatical errors! Yeesh. 

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