Monday, June 22, 2015

Just Updating the Ol' Blog Fragments

We've been crazy busy of late.

Re-doing our floors on our own is tough. We lived at the in-laws for almost three weeks. Parts of our house are still, uh, well, messed up. Working at work and working at home didn't leave much time to blog but the past 10 days or so have been back to normal.

I stepped into my favorite local establishment to grab an ice tea with my Nirvana shirt on when the cashier (clearly under 25) asked me what my favorite Nirvana song was. I was dumbfounded. I felt exposed, like I really didn't know the Nirvana discography backwards and forwards. Then again, I don't routinely listen to them that often these days either. 

My generation is used to "favorite album" questions, I'm usually ready for that one (although always split with Nirvana). So, to figure it all out my TOP TEN FAVORITE NIRVANA SONGS (keep in mind this is off the top my head). 

10. Love Buzz
9. On a Plain (the end always kills me)
8.  TIE (I know, I'm cheating) Lithium & Heartshaped Box   
7. The Man Who Sold The World 
6. About a Girl 
5. All Apologies 
3. Aneurysm 
2. Drain You 
1. In Bloom

Note: I am aware Love Buzz and The Man Who Sold the World are cover songs but ya know, I didn't say it had to be Cobain originals!!  I am also pretty sad my list is not full of "cred" songs, ya know, songs that no one else but hard core fans know and love. I mean, for goodness sakes, most of those songs were singles (technically even Love Buzz was a single). Oh well. 

Honorable Mention:  Turnaround (another cover), Old AgeSappy (wait, this got re-named too, didn't it, although I am fond of Verse Chorus Verse as well), pretty much all of Nevermind and the Unplugged album. 

I would probably change that next week too. 

I remembered a few weeks ago, my big girl C, used to say, "Pritter please with a cherry on top" I have no idea if I recorded that here on the blog, but there ya go. Another one she used a year or two ago was a "tinch". Indicating a tiny pinch of something, ya know, "Can I have just a tinch of cake, Dad?" That should be a thing. 

Been on a reading kick lately, reading How to Break A Terrorist (about how to ethically obtain information from prisoners), Persian Mirrors (about Iran) both solid stuff. 

Other stuff from this year (that I haven't already forgotten about): 

Eaters of the Dead (last time I read this one was high school, it was purely for nostalgic reasons, and I would not recommend this) 
12 Years a Slave (Wow, a must read)
Ficciones and The Book of Imaginary Beings (both by the Spanish author Borges) - Strange stuff but good only for your literary-nerd types. 
As always, as many 1980's Marvels as much as I can ethically sneak in the house (and 2015 FCBD stuff too). 
The Analects (Confucius, along with a whole bunch of excerpts from Confucian ethic classics) 
A few of the Narina books (wait, was that during Xmas break??) 

Not bad considering I was writing like a madman Jan-March. Speaking of which, I am actually getting the itch again to get back to the novel which still stands right at 17,000 words. Hmmm....

I found myself oddly rooting for the Cavs during the finals. I was struck by how much people genuinely were awed by the Warriors' offense. And, when Curry and one other player are hitting, it's pretty sweet to watch. They did have an all-time great offense for the regular season. However, the playoffs left me a little unimpressed. They were at times, pushed around by the Grizz and the Cavs. so much that they lost to those teams that had terrible offenses

 I simply was not that impressed with their playoff run. I came away wondering if the 2015 Spurs could have beat them (doubtful as they were just dead-tired and wouldn't have had homecourt). I am pretty sure the 2014 version of the Spurs would have destroyed them though.

I suppose I should do something more production like watch the new version of Cosmos on Netflix (solid, check it out).  Here's a mini-pic dump because I can. Enjoy. In the meantime, don't forgot to turn off your porch light in the morning and tell your loved ones you love them every chance you get. 

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