Monday, April 30, 2012

Peaceful Fragments

busy busy boy (sigh) but wanted to drop in with some fragments to my peeps. (even if my peeps don't actually exist, I don't want to disappoint myself as April is almost over).

I've noticed a strong tendency in our culture to "feminize" the peace sign - my daughter attended a friend's 6th birthday party this week and the theme was the "peace sign". So, peace has been reduced to a fashion statement for children. It's absent of any real moral or political value. In fact in the last ten years while we were fighting two wars (and drone bombing within other's borders)....the peace movement was...well...nothing.  If there is one thing about capitalism, it sucks the truth and beauty out of everything (art, religion, politics, etc.).

It's like the cross really. It's so ubiquitous (at least here in Texas) its power and meaning is invisible.

I will have to explore this further at a later date but equally disturbing is the "camo" birthday parties and clothing for little boys - there are no cute peace symbols for boys clothing or birthday parties, only camo, sports and war. Look, I know I am simplifying but it's late sisters and brothers, so cut me some slack. Our culture breeds this into our little ones:

Yes, this is real. Holy Hell, what a world we've wrought.

I heard an atheist describe Christians as atheists with just one exception. Thought that was pretty neat.

Sometimes I wish I was in grad school again and teaching one class (with no papers to grade either)...and while I am in fantasy land, that I could eat ice cream with no calories.

My grandma has pancreatic cancer. She is 92 and this means pain management rather than treatment. She has always been strong, independent and as stupid as it sounds, this all came as a surprise to me. She is so down to earth (too much so actually) she told my mom, "I hope this isn't upsetting you all very much". She's ready....I hope I get there someday (to 92 and to be "ready", to be clear).

That is all. Enjoy spring while it lasts.

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